Every year the ITI begins the school year with a gala opening and a pilgrimage. The gala opening occurred on the 1oth of October. Cardinal Shönborn was the main celebrant at the Mass in the parish church. Both Zach and Cody served the Mass. Cody was the thurifer and Zach was the crozier bearer.
Following the Mass there was a big party with all of the required politicians etc welcoming the ITI. It was an enjoyable evening.
We undertook the pilgrimage to Loretto 10/26. We walked for about three hours and a half hours from Trumau to the Austrian village of Loretto. There is a basilica in Italy where the supposed house of the Holy Family’s (their house from Nazareth) is found. As Austrian gentlemen visited this basilica in the middle of the 17th century. He was so moved by the experience that he had a statue made and a replica of the house of Nazareth built in Austria. The place was aptly named Loretto. The weather was perfect. It was a great day to walk and pray. Zach, Eli, and I walked. The rest of the family was ill so they met us there.
I carried each and every one of you in my heart as I walked. I prayed for you and asked Gog that he would bless you for your support of our endeavors here.
The church of Loretto in the far distance. We had been walking about two hours at this point.
The main altar at the church in Loretto.
The statue at the Church of Loretto. Made in 1645.
I didn’t get a picture within the replica of the house. I was too busy praying… Afterward, all the pilgrims descended on a little restaurant outside of Loretto. We had a fantastic meal together as a community. It is good to be Catholic!!