The summer concluded with a bang. I took a intensive Latin course the last three weeks of August. It was intense. Four hours-a-day, five days-a-week. I took the Latin proficiency test yesterday and passed. Whew....thanks be to God. Now on to the new semester tomorrow.
The last week of Latin we had a visitor from Boise. Mike Gaudette stopped by for a few days as he was vacationing over here. It was a real treat to see and visit with Mike again. We even got him to Vienna for a little sight seeing.
As I said, I start the new semester tomorrow. I have a nice full line-up of classes. The ITI surely doesn't want a person to be bored while they are here! :-) I am taking:
Metaphysics II - reading Descartes, Hume, Hegel, Kant, and Heidegger
Christology - St. Thomas Aquinas on the Incarnation
Soteriology - St. Thomas Aquinas and others on salvation and redemption
Moral Theology: Law and Grace - St. Thomas Aquinas
Moral Theology: Virtue and Vice - St Thomas Aquinas
I hope you all had a fantastic summer of rest and renewal. Please continue to pray for us as we seek to do the Lord's will.
Good luck, Mike. It's amazing how fast the time goes by.
Thanks, Bill. The same to you on your "Deacon endeavors".
Time flies by. My oldest is in high school this year.
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